Business Fixer.

Inspirational leaders are special. Good leaders get results, great leaders get great results - but Inspired Leaders get extraordinary results. If you want to revitalise your company, develop your people and become a household name you need inspired leadership.

Whether I’m presenting a keynote speech, working with a management team to reinspire their business or sharing my ideas in a book - leadership is at the core.

Hello, I’m Kevin Gaskell. How can I help you?

I’ve learned a lot of lessons in my three+ decades in business – some of them the hard way. My experience with a variety of businesses has resulted in the creation of more than $5 billion in shareholder value.

I’ve achieved this by walking the talk and practising inspired leadership. I want to share my experience with a wider audience and help more of today’s leaders to achieve the apparently impossible. Everyone can learn how to get the absolute best from every member of their team.

From the platform

If you want to give your audience a shot of pure inspiration, combined with a wholly practical approach, let’s talk.

Through my books

New book! ‘Catching Giants’ is due for publication on 28th April 2022. ‘Inspired Leadership’ is available now.

As a business fixer

Whether supporting world class brands or driving exciting start-ups, the proof of the input is the $5 billion that has been added to shareholder value.
