World class climbing

World class climbing

September 28, 2022

I have just spent a day visiting two of the companies that I am involved with.  In one company I led the team through a substantial turnaround before appointing a new CEO and stepping back into the role of executive chairman. The CEO has developed and led the new team and taken the business forward … Read more

Walk the talk

Walk the talk

September 13, 2022

This term is often heard in relation to leaders, but it goes far beyond a leader who stands behind their ideals.  A company has a brand and identity and everything they do and say at every level influences what the outside world thinks of the company. That includes individual team members. When the Ocean 5 … Read more

What do you call fun?

What do you call fun?

August 25, 2022

Work should be fun.  But my idea of fun might not be the same as yours. I love my work and split my time between several companies.  If I’m not visiting them, I’m working at home in my office – often until late into the evening.  I keep intending to slow down, but I enjoy … Read more

A little thing called ‘trust’

A little thing called ‘trust’

August 2, 2022

Trust is critical within any successful team.  How does trust grow in a working team? The simple answer is that it is built through clarity, honesty and openness.  It’s reinforced through shared values, which are essential for creating a team culture of shared responsibility that can deal with whatever is thrown at it. Honest communication … Read more

How good could your business be?

How good could your business be?

July 19, 2022

Most leaders find themselves in the position, at some point, of thinking ‘we could do better’. In some cases, the organisation may have even arrived at a point where it needs bold decisions and fast action to survive. As a leader this will test your ability, your courage, your integrity and your commitment to the … Read more

It’s all about the customer

It’s all about the customer

July 5, 2022

Building a world class organisation is exciting.  The leader’s role is to generate that excitement and inspire the team to share the journey to an extraordinary future. That’s a key ability for a leader – to share a vision and inspire the team to action.  When people understand the what and the why of success, … Read more

10 words that changed our world

10 words that changed our world

June 15, 2022

If you’ve been following my adventures, you’ll know that back in 2020/21 I was part of a 5-man team of rowers that tackled the daunting task of rowing – unsupported – across the Atlantic. We spent three years preparing for this adventure, because we knew that, to succeed, we needed to know what we were … Read more

How to eliminate whinges

How to eliminate whinges

May 15, 2022

Every company has someone – sometimes several someones – who grumble about how the organisation does things.  Sometimes the complaints have a basis in reality and there are operational habits that are not productive. An inspiring leader doesn’t pretend they don’t exist.  To create an inspired organisation the issues raised must be dealt with – … Read more

Everyone must own the plan

Everyone must own the plan

April 15, 2022

Formula 1 cars are not built from standard parts.  The engine supplier designs, manufactures and provides the actual engine – but everything else, every screw, nut and washer, is designed and made by the team.  They have a plan for the car and every component is on the plan and is made, checked, tested according … Read more

You don’t have to be a genius to be a leader of genius!

You don’t have to be a genius to be a leader of genius!

September 9, 2021

I have been leading companies for 25 years – my earliest challenges were to rebuild a broken Porsche brand and then to inspire the team at BMW GB to achieve a 500% improvement in profit while transforming the service levels of an industry. Since then I have founded start-ups, driven turnarounds and built companies in … Read more

Kevin Gaskell and Richard Branson address the Global Transformation Forum

Kevin Gaskell and Richard Branson address the Global Transformation Forum

August 4, 2021

The Global Transformation Forum is the pioneering platform for CEOs, policymakers, athletes and creatives. It is an annual opportunity for delegates from all over the world to be inspired by the stories of some of the world’s most iconic torchbearers in the game of transformation.  Business leaders Kevin Gaskell and Richard Branson, both recognised as … Read more

Side by Side – Kevin and Matthew Gaskell

Side by Side – Kevin and Matthew Gaskell

July 10, 2021

Kevin and his son Matthew, recently broke the world record as part of the fastest 5-man team to row across the Atlantic. The pair have been adventuring together since their first trip to the South Pole when Matt was just 17 – and they have no intention of stopping any time soon.  Kevin:  “Adventuring is … Read more

What great leaders should be doing to get ahead right now…

What great leaders should be doing to get ahead right now…

June 17, 2021

Never let a good crisis go to waste … so said Winston Churchill. And he should have known. While he never saw a Corona virus pandemic, he did successfully lead Great Britain through the darkest days of the second world war.   I am grateful that I have never seen a war, but I have led … Read more

Crazy law of unintended consequences

Crazy law of unintended consequences

May 17, 2021

If you are an unemployed young – or not so young – person, fulfilling long term employment is hard to find at the moment. The chances are that the situation will get worse before it gets better. To help to change this situation, I am working with my graduate son to create a new company … Read more

Be grateful for the bumpy ride

Be grateful for the bumpy ride

April 24, 2017

I seem to be meeting more and more people in business at the moment who are concerned that the economy is bumpy and unpredictable.  You can certainly feel a lot of turbulence in the air; Brexit, Trump, FX rates, inflation, Russia, Middle East, fake news etc. The truth is that if you could fly up … Read more